This routine basically just flashes the screen, changes the lister title
to the message as well as calling the routine to translate the message into
the language set in Locale using the appropriate catalog.
2 parse arg message
3 lister set handle title message
4 lister refresh handle full
5 command flash
6 call dorequest('"'message'"' getcatstr(4,'OK'))
7 lister set handle title 'ArcDir:' arcname
8 return
1 Sub-routine label.
2 Parse the arguments for the message text.
3 Set the lister title to the message.
4 Refresh the lister display, we're using the FULL keyword to update
the title as well.
5 Call the Opus internal command Flash, to flash the display and get
our attention.
6 Pass the message text to the dorequest routine via the getcatstr
routine which will do the Locale translation.
7 After the message has been acknowledged in the dorequest routine
and returned, we change the lister title back to what it normally
8 Return from whence we came.